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Date:  Monday 27  June 2022
Venue: Cordis Hotel Auckland, Great Hall 1

Learn about New Zealand’s own innovation in medical technology and the ecosystem that can support our vibrant sector from research, development, and commercialisation to market access.

Monday 27 June 2022 - Preliminary Programme subject to change

Start End Content
08.45   09.00 Mihi
09.00  09.15 Welcome and Opening of HTW
Pete Hodgson, 
Chair of Callaghan Innovation and the Southern District Health Board
09.15  9.45 Greg Shanahan - Health technology sector review
Greg will provide updates on the HealthTech sector which has grown dramatically over the past two decades to become the largest technology export market sector.  
9.45  10.00 Morris Pita, Founder of Tai Pari Mōhio Limited who produce EmergencyQ
10.00 10.30 Changes within the NZ MedTech System

      Kevin Ross, 
CEO of Precision Driven Health (PDH) to provide a review of PDH and the next steps.

      Peter Hunter,
Director of the Auckland Bioengineering Institute, on the Medtech-iQ developments.
10.30 11.00 Morning Tea & Showcase
11.00  11.30 Frank Bloomfield - NZ Success Stories in Clinical Trials
The director of the Liggins Institute will provide an update on the Ministry of Health-sponsored project to develop recommendations and a roadmap for a national clinical trials infrastructure in New Zealand. 
11.30 11.45 Jackson Rowland, director of Ākina Invest, will discuss impact and how healthtech companies can use a 'theory of change'.   
 11.45  11.50 Jonathan Lucas, from James & Wells, on the importance of IP to research groups and start-up companies
 11.50  12.20 Healthtech Award for Best Scale-up company 
 12.20  12.40 Oliver Hunt, founder of Medsalv, will discuss how we can be more environmentally sustainable in the medical device industry. 
12.40 13.00 Healthtech Award for Best Translational Research
13.00 14.00 Lunch & Showcase
14.00 15.00 Motivational Session - To Infinity and Beyond

      Kiriti Rambhatla
, on the space radiation/microgravity impact on human body

      Lisa Brown, on surgery in micro-gravity conditions. 
15.00  15.30 Roche - Innovation through Partnership: Working Together to Usher in a Revolution in Cancer Care 
Wendy Bao, APAC Strategy & Innovation Chapter Lead
Brendan Swan, Personalised Healthcare Partner- Squad Lead
15.30  16.00 Afternoon Tea & Showcase
16.00  16.30 Jorge Serrador - Innovations from across the Tasman 
Associate Professor Serrador from Western Sydney University will discuss his latest work on wearables in healthcare. 
16.30  17.15 Clinical perspective on innovation and uptake of new technologies panel discussion.
Robyn Whittaker, Public Health Physician and Clinical Director Innovation
Nandoun Abeysekera, Founder and CEO of Avasa
Grace Tawhai, Medical student
Nada Signal, Assoc. Prof. in Rehabilitation at AUT
Margret Wilsher, CMO at ADHB
17.15  17.30

Empathetic Digital Healthcare Workforces
Erica Lloyd, GM Healthcare and Education Global for Soul Machines


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